If I’m Employed, How Do I Know
If I’m Covered By Workers’ Compensation?

More than likely you, as an employee, have some type of worker’s compensation. Almost every state in the United States has a workers’ compensation program. Now, like stated on other pages, there are state specific qualifications that must be met. These qualifications vary depending on the state in which you live. So, your compensation benefits could be dependent on your state or the company through whom you are employed. Learn more about some general qualifications.

If you are employed as a full-time employee and are working with a certain company, it is recommended to visit their HR (Human Resources) Department. Human Resources handles everything that has to do with employees. They can tell you what kind of full-time benefits you can receive, if they have not already.

Take advantage of workers’ compensation. Make sure your employer is signed up. It can save you a lot of money and headaches down the road if you get injured while performing at work. It is one of the great and many freedoms and benefits for being a full time employee. If your company does not offer workers’ compensation, then you may want to suggest they do. There are many reasons why a company should offer this wonderful opportunity to their employees. The trade off between employee and employer is such that the employee cannot generally sue the company for on-the-job injuries in return the company offers workers’ compensation to cover the expenses if there is an injury. It is a sure fire way to please both parties. This can save the employers and employees a lot of money. Areas in which money can be saved may be court fees, hospital bills, doctor bills, procedure costs, and loss of employment.